Donnerstag, 11. Oktober 2012

Vegan Cream of Celery Soup - Sopa de aipo

8 stalks celery,chopped-including leaves
3 carrots.peeled and coarsely chopped
1 leek,thinly sliced
1large onion,diced
1T garlic, minced
4 small red potatoes,chopped with skins on
5Cveggie broth
1 1/4 tsp sea salt
2 T olive oil
1 tsp thyme
2 bay leaves
1 C coconut milk

In a large soup pot,sauté onion,garlic and leek over medium heat until soft.Add thyme and sea salt and stir well to release the flavour of the herbs.

Cook for about 2-3 minutes,stirring occasionally.Add carrots and celery and cook for a 5 minutes longer until celery starts to soften.Add potatoes, veggie broth and bay leave.Turn up heat to high,cover and bring to a boil.Once boiling,turn down to simmer and cook for about 20-30 minutes until potatoes are soft.

Puree soup using a blender.Add coconut milk.Stir well and season with pepper.

Celery is very soothing to the nervous system and also a good internal cleanser.Its stringy fibers work like brushes on the walls of the intestines.The celery heart is a food which protects against heart attack.

 In Portuguese:

8 talos de salsao com as folhas

3 cenouras picados
1 alho-poró em fatias finas
1grande cebola  cortada em cubos
 Alho picado
4 pequenas batatas vermelhas picados
caldo de vegetais
1 1/4 colher de chá de sal marinho
2 colher de azeite
1 colher de chá de tomilho
2 folhas de louro
 leite de coco

Em uma panela grande, refogue o alho, a cebola e o alho-poró em fogo médio .Adicione tomilho e sal,e mexe bem para liberar o sabor das ervas.

Cozinhe por cerca de 2-3 minutos, mexendo.Adicione  cenouras e salsao e cozinhe por mais 5 minutos até que o salsao e as cenouras  começam fiquar macias. Adicione o caldo de vegetais,as batatas e ou louro.No fogo alto, tampe e leve para ferver. Quando ferve, abaixe o fogo  e cozinhe por cerca de 20-30 minutos até que as batatas estejam macias.

Bom apetite!

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