Sonntag, 7. Juli 2013

Garam Massala / Yoga Journal

Smoothie Verde

Smothie para o café da manhã

- 1 xícara de água
- 2 pimentões verdes

- 3 colheres de semente de gergelim
- 15 amêndoas descasquadas (nao torradas)
- 2 maçãs com casca
- 2 bananas, adicionar as partes brancas da casca

Coloque a água no liquidificador. Coloque os ingredientes um por um, na ordem da lista acima. Para que o smoothie fique bem homogêneo.

Este smoothie vai dar muita saúde, radiância, juventude, e aumenta a Prana. Tem um efeito no sistema nervoso.

Freitag, 5. Juli 2013

Meditation for women

                                                                       Meditation for Self-Initiation

Sit in Easy Pose with your arms stretched out straight to the sides. There is no bend in the elbow. Your thumb locks down the pinkie and ring fingers (Mercury and Sun fingers).  Your palms face forward and your fingers point out to the sides.
Inhale deeply by sucking air through your closed teeth, and exhale through your nose. Continue for 11 minutes.
To finish: Inhale deeply, hold your breath for 10 seconds while you stretch your spine up and stretch your arms out to the sides, and exhale. Repeat this sequence two more times.

This meditation will give you subtle powers. It will change you inside and out. It can be practiced either in the morning or the evening, but it you do it in the evening, the next morning you will find that your whole caliber and energy is changed.